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Avoiding Lice And Nits – What Every Mother Needs To Know?

Treatment for Lice Removal in Karachi

Schools are opening soon, and every child is looking forward to a fun-filled time. However, with them getting together in classrooms and playgrounds, there will be an increase in lice infestation cases. Well, this calls for bringing your child over to Lice Free Salon to get Treatment for Lice Removal in Karachi, Pakistan – before they go back to school.

Commonly, children get lice and nits by direct head-to-head contact with someone who already has them. Also, note that not everyone with lice shows symptoms like head-scratching or irritation. So, it is possible that a person is infected, and you might not know – which increases the spread. 

Lice Treatment Centre Near Me

How To Avoid Getting Lice & Nits? 

While it is nearly impossible for children to stay at a distance from each other in the class or playground while at school, some preventive measures can be taken. We at Lice Free Salon recommend mothers to communicate these measures to their children for preventing lice infestations: 

  • Tie hair back because it makes lice contraction difficult
  • Avoid sharing personal accessories like hairbrushes and combs
  • Get monthly screening done at Lice Treatment Centre Near Me for early detection
  • Maintain a distance if another kid is scratching their head continuously 

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Having Lice & Nits? 

Even though spotting lice is difficult, the following symptoms are common in those experiencing an infestation: 

  • Constant scratching and itching on the scalp
  • Rashes at the back of the neck and behind the ears
  • Tickling feel in the hair
  • Trouble in sleeping because lice are active at night 

Book Appointment For Lice Removal Treatment! 

Usually, parents panic when they see lice or nits in their child’s hair, and the immediate reaction is using an over-the-counter lice-killing product. However, using these products is risky as they contact chemicals and pesticides. The natural approach to get rid of them and prevent further infestations is with the help of lice removing experts at Lice Free Salon. Feel free to book your appointment with us TODAY for the treatment and end your search for Lice Treatment Near Me. Our treatment is 100% organic, is of one-hour duration, and ensures the maximum removal of lice and nits.